Life at LEXIT #2: "Designing the Product"

We launched Episode 1 of the Life at LEXIT series last week, and return once again with Life at LEXIT 2: “Designing the Product.”

This video explores the makings of mergers and acquisitions and intellectual property management at LEXIT.

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As the Business Marketplace for Everyone, LEXIT takes a great deal of pride in delivering a transparent product and model for the revolutionization of the IP and tech marketplace. In the video, we hear from Chief Product Officer Deniss Raider and others.

“We need to design some sort of element or way that when a user looks at it he can relate to it,” said Deniss. “It can be done in a way that we visualize every asset separately, like software, code, hardware, and intellectual property or we can create something that people will relate to like the pieces of lego that are combined together are uniting one single piece.”

We also hear from LEXIT CTO Wajid Khilji and product designer Hafijul Sayeed in Episode 2 of Life at LEXIT.

Watch the video by clicking the link below!

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