Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) is a highly complicated field. With millions of businesses forming and disintegrating annually, buyers and sellers have an incredibly hard time finding each other and negotiating fairly. Involving batteries of corporate lawyers, professional mediators, and appraisers, selling a company, or assets thereof entails very high costs, even before the first potential buyer is contacted.
These enormous barriers to entry have until now prevented the emergence of online M&A marketplaces, akin to those existing for other kinds of property. LEXIT utilizes blockchain technologies, and an international network of business partners to change all of this. On LEXIT’s marketplace buyers and sellers meet directly, en masse, allowing market forces and network dynamics to provide what incumbent mediators and consultancies are offering today, only faster and much more cost-effective.
The LEXIT Solution allows for M&A processes to be concluded four times as fast, at about a quarter of the traditional costs. Entrepreneurs are empowered to discover the true value of their assets on a vibrant and highly liquid marketplace, without having to bear overpriced prepayments. And most importantly - for the first time an efficient market for IP and patents is established, allowing companies to trade assets as conveniently as one would buy or sell a car or real estate.

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The Lexit Team.