You Can’t Miss Our Chat with John Wise, CEO of Loci, in a Live Webinar and AMA

On Friday, July 20 at 9am (EST) we discussed the future of intellectual property with industry leaders, including John Wise and Amir Kaltak, the CEOs of Loci and LEXIT respectively. 

“Loci and LEXIT both work within intellectual property, so let’s think of our partnership as if it were land property,” explains John Wise, CEO of Loci, “Loci is like the title and deed or land registry, whereas Lexit is like the realtors and brokerage. We each focus on an aspect of the industry which the other needs.”

Make sure to join us on Friday to find out more about how the LEXIT-Loci partnership can change how we trade intellectual property, and, in the words of LEXIT CEO Amir: “put value back into the hands of the inventor.”


Read more about our exciting partnership with Loci at

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