LEXIT Founders Series #10: Chris Housser (Co-Founder, Polymath)

In this episode of the LEXIT Founders Series, we sit down with Chris Housser, co-founder of Polymath.

Polymath provides a suite of tools that allows token issuers to sleep soundly knowing their token has been issued in a compliant manner.

The company's securities token platform, which is being built by the broader Polymath and blockchain communities, helps to ensure tokens fall in line with local and national jurisdictions, and that all token holders have been authorized before participating.

In short, Polymath makes the legal process for launching a compliant token faster, easier and less expensive, saving you time and money as you bring your company into the 21st century.

Polymath 2.0 was launched as a testnet in May at CoinDesk’s Consensus conference, and the blockchain community is currently re-iterating the platform. Polymath is also developing a new token standard – ST20  – which is short for security token 2.0.

Please enjoy the interview below!


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